

College 学费和杂费 Payment Plan

有一个支付大学费用的计划是迈向毕业的重要一步. 买世界杯app推荐很高兴获得Nelnet的服务,使您的申请过程更容易. 一起工作, 买世界杯app推荐和Nelnet将为您提供合理的支付学费和杂费的策略.

The Nelnet Automatic Payment Plan

A. 自动银行付款(ACH) - ACH付款是您授权Nelnet与您的金融机构直接处理的付款. 这只是一个银行到银行的资金转账,你已经预先批准了你在买世界杯app推荐的费用. Payments may be made from either your checking or savings account. 付款将于每月5日进行处理,并将持续到余额全部支付为止.

B. 信用卡选项——用信用卡付款可以让你选择利用信用卡公司提供的任何奖金计划. If you elect to use this option, 你的月供, 还有一笔便利费, will be automatically charged to the credit card you designate. The convenience fee is in addition to the nonrefundable Nelnet Enrollment Fee. Payments will be charged on the 5th of each month until the balance is paid in full. Payments are processed by American Card Services, Inc


Enroll in the Nelnet Payment Plan online and follow the instructions. Be sure to have the following information:

  • Student’s nine-digit Empl ID number.
  • Exact tuition payment amount (see your Smartweb student account)
  • 负责付款的人的姓名、地址和电子邮件地址.
  • To protect your privacy, you will need to create your own unique Nelnet Access Code. Please be sure it is something you can easily remember.
  • Account information for the person responsible for payment.
  • If paying by automatic bank payments, 您需要银行名称, 电话号码, 帐号, 还有银行转接号码. Most of this information is located on your check.
  • If paying by credit card, you will need the credit card number and expiration date.


Enrolling online is simple, secure, and easy. Connect to the e-Cashier Web site through the 买世界杯app推荐 website. The payment plan can accommodate down payments and monthly payments. Before you click the Submit button, please carefully read through the Final Review and the 条款与条件. 通过电子收银,将立即发送电子邮件(如果提供了负责付款的电子邮件地址)确认世界杯app软件推荐.


There are a number of terms and conditions that apply to your agreement with Nelnet. Thoroughly review all terms and conditions before submitting your agreement. 不遵守这些条款和条件可能导致您在买世界杯app推荐的课程世界杯app软件推荐被取消和/或成绩单被扣留.

NOTE: Please be advised if you are using Nelnet payment plan to pay your tuition, ATC需要一个完整的工作日来收到通知并处理Nelnet协议,否则您可能会因未付款而被退学

  • 我有责任通知学生账户办公室我的世界杯app软件推荐状态的任何变化,以便我的协议可以调整或终止.
  • 如果我使用Nelnet学费支付计划支付学费,我将不会收到收据. I may obtain a copy of my account via the Student Information System online.
  • If my Nelnet agreement is terminated, 我必须在付款截止日期之前向买世界杯app推荐支付我的学杂费余额,否则我的入学资格可能会被取消. 如果我的协议因任何原因被取消,我将向学院承担剩余的任何责任.
  • 只有在买世界杯app推荐收到Nelnet的最后一笔款项后,才能处理Nelnet付款的退款. Refunds will be in the form of a check made payable to the student. This includes payments made by credit card or ACH


If you drop a class or have been terminated from Nelnet, any money collected by Nelnet will be refunded by 买世界杯app推荐. Refunds are based on the college’s refund policy. Refunds will not be issued until 60 days after the last day of drop and add. Nelnet does not issue refunds. 如果您对退款有任何疑问,请直接联系学生账户办公室.


请致电Nelnet(800) 609-8056更改您的地址、电话或银行信息. If you have questions regarding your Nelnet agreement, 请直接联系Nelnet或通过我的Nelnet帐户在线查看您的协议. 访问我的Nelnet帐户, follow the instructions located on the Nelnet Confirmation Notification or e-mail. If you have questions regarding your financial aid or VA benefits, contacts the 买世界杯app推荐 Financial Aid Office at (706) 771-4149.


Frequently Asked Questions about Nelnet


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